Our Services

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We provide assessment to children using formal, standardized assessment tools in order to determine each individual child’s areas of strength and areas which require support for growth. Includes a formal report and written goals for therapy.


Speech Therapy

We provide speech therapy services in both English and Spanish. Sessions can take place in our clinic (based in Polanco), in your home or at your child’s school (where possible). Frequency and duration of sessions is based on in-depth assessment of your child’s needs.



Our therapists provide engaging online sessions through our online platforms which incorporate games and programs to support learning. Our dynamic teletherapy sessions can be provided on a range of devices including iPads and Laptops.

Our therapists are skilled online practitioners, who incorporate the latest technology to keep kids engaged and motivated.

Dyslexia Support

We provide individualized support to students with learning differences such as Dyslexia using the Ascend SMARTER Intervention Program and Sounds Write, literacy programs based in Orton Giligham principles and methodologies. These programs use a multisensory, systematic and structured yet flexible approach to reading intervention to support your child’s literacy development.

Learn more about the Ascend Program HERE

Learn more about Sounds Write HERE


School Support

Our therapists work closely with our client’s schools to ensure the continuity of services and support. We collaborate with teachers and other professionals in the development of Individual Education Plans (IEP’s) and the implementation of support strategies and accommodations for students, to maximize their learning potential.

Parent Coaching

We provide parent coaching sessions to parents and guardians in order to empower families with the skills and knowledge to best support their child’s communication. We believe that YOU are your child’s best model for communication and aim to give you the skills to carry over therapy techniques from our sessions, into everyday life at home.