Speech therapy in Mexico City, with native English & Spanish speakers.

Home, clinic, teletherapy or school based speech therapy services in Mexico City and across Mexico.

What is a Speech Pathologist?

Speech and language pathologists diagnose and treat children and adults with communication disorders, including difficulties with:

  • Producing the sounds needed for speech

  • Using language to express ideas, wants and needs

  • Understanding spoken language

  • Using social language to connect with the world around us

  • Reading non-verbal communication

  • Voice and vocal hygiene

  • Higher level language skills (reasoning and inferencing)

  • Literacy skills (written expression and reading comprehension)

  • Behavior and emotional regulation skills

 What is Speech Therapy?

 What is Communication?

Communication consists of non-verbal communication (e.g. eye gaze and gesture), speech, receptive language, expressive language, and pragmatic language.

What is Language?

Receptive language

Receptive language refers to your child’s ability to understand when people speak to him/ her. Children with receptive language difficulties may have trouble understanding longer, more complex sentences, listening and attending to conversation, following instructions appropriately at home and in the classroom, and responding appropriately to questions. Receptive language difficulties may be misinterpreted as poor attention when in fact the child does not understand what is expected of him/her. This can lead to frustration and possible behavioral difficulties.

Expressive language

Expressive language refers to your child’s ability to talk. This involves his/her ability to join words to make sentences using the correct vocabulary and grammar. Some signs that your child may be having difficulties with expressive language may include speaking in short sentences, trouble finding the ‘right’ words, and difficulty with retelling a story. This can result in your child having trouble getting their message across to other people which can be frustrating.

What are speech sounds?

Speech involves the sounds your child makes when communicating. Difficulties producing the sounds necessary for intelligible speech may be the result of articulation errors (i.e. inability to produce the ‘s’ sound resulting in a lisp) and phonological errors (i.e. producing ‘w’ for ‘r’ such as ‘wed’ for ‘red’).

What is Pragmatic Language?

Pragmatics involves your child’s ability to use language appropriately in different social situations. A child may now be able to use long, complex sentences with correct grammar but may have difficulties in changing their language around different listeners or in different situations. This can involve not giving background information to an unfamiliar listener and not following the rules for conversation (e.g. taking turns or staying on the same topic). Children with pragmatic language difficulties may say inappropriate or unrelated things which may seem rude to an unfamiliar listener.

Getting Started…

  • Contact us to arrange your FREE 15 minute phone consultation for more information regarding our services and to determine if speech therapy can support your child’s needs.

  • Schedule an formal assessment with one of our qualified speech pathologists where we will investigate your child’s strengths and areas that require support, and determine a baseline from which to measure progress. Assessment sessions are usually 1 - 1.5 hours depending on your child’s needs.

  • Once we have assessed your child’s needs and determined if therapy is appropriate, we will schedule your weekly session time/s with one of our Speech Pathologists. Where appropriate, your treating therapist will liase with you, your child’s teachers and other health professionals to ensure a team approach to treatment.

Clinic Location

Polanco, Mexico City, Mexico

Our clinic is centrally located in Polanco, Mexico City:

Luis G. Urbina 4 Polanco, Polanco IV Secc, Miguel Hidalgo, 11550 Ciudad de México, CDMX

We also provide mobile services to homes and schools, in the areas of La Condesa, Polanco, Lomas, and Santa Fe.

Our Speech Pathologists are also talented Teletherapists who provide engaging online sessions where appropriate.


Want to work with us?

Are you a speech therapist or student interested in completing a practicum or observations with us? We partner with Speech Train to organize short term and extended observations in our clinic. They offer customizable exchange programs for students and early career SLPs interested in the clinical impacts of bi/multilingualism + bi/multiculturalism. Explore their program options and sign up for the waitlist at https://www.speechtrain.org